Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Light the night!

there are so many kids that are going through what Nevaeh is going through. SO many kids that are going through so much worse..... Some beat this battle some lose. But they are all warriors and stronger than you or I.
I figured a way to help would be through the Leukemia Lymphoma society. They ahve all kinds of walks and foundations that can help raise money for these kids. believe me its not money being wasted, it really is a huge help. This society helps the family alot especially in hospital stays.
SO i am participating in this walk called Light the Night. We are walking in Oct. at Discovery green park. and we need to raise money. If you would like to help leave me a message and an email address. I will send you the site to look on and my group name. Please think of Nevaeh and all the other kids that are fighting this battle!

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