Friday, August 13, 2010

God is Good!

We have has such a great few months. my princess is doing well and I have peace. I have a peace that cannot be explained nor can anything be compared to this peace. I am filled with hope and loaded with God's Grace. Yesterday I was reading my bible a fell upon this verse. It just flew out at me as if this verse was sent to me by God himself."And he said unto her,DAUGHTER,THY FAITH HATH MADE THEE WHOLE;GO IN PEACE AND BE WHOLE OF THY PLAGUE." i truely belive that my fait will conquer all my fears and God will heal my daugher and make her whole. What a great thought.


  1. amen sister. take hold of His promises, take him at his Word and when you feel like you can't believe him because he said so.

    xxx love you

  2. Thats awesome Amy!! We have a wonderful God and He always sends us just what we need :)


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