Friday, September 25, 2009


Sometimes I fear i will never see light
beyond the the darkness i see a ray shining oh so bright.
Its a ray of sunshine beyond the gray
starting off a brand new day
with a smile so sweet
brightens the day of everyone she may meet
her eyes so bright,love so strong
thinknig nothing could ever go wrong
she is my sunshine and my star
her laughter you can hear from afar
she knows not all that could go wrong
a spirit so innocent and so strong
i adore my sunshine that loves me so
Please Lord let this cancer go
Let her beat it with all her might
so her smile will continue to make the world shine bright!

1 comment:

  1. Your whole site is beautiful. It's very well organized. I love the poetry and Nevaeh looks gorgeous!
    Shelley Kemp


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